Friday, January 23, 2015

Selma? More Like Sell Everything I Have To Get This Movie More Oscar Nominations; 1/23/15

Selma deserved better. No questions asked. With only two Oscar nominations, one for best picture and one for best song, it deserved so much better.

Selma is an brutally accurate retelling of the events which happened in Selma, Alabama during the late 60s.  The movie mostly follows Dr. Martin Luther King and his friends but it's main focus is Civil Rights as a whole.

This movie was absolutely brutal. When I say brutal, i don't mean epic shoot-outs or fantastic fights. Brutal as in people being continuously battered with spiked clubs, slurs being spat in every direction, and some of the most fantastic dialog I have ever heard in a movie. Should have gotten best screenplay nominations too.

Oprah as Annie Lee Cooper
Any dialog from the movie was just so full of emotion. Happiness, love, hatred, and grief could all be felt in a single scene. It's hard to truly recreate all of the emotions that people went through during that time. All of the actors did a fantastic job. Oprah definitely should have gotten nominated for her supporting role.

I'm ecstatic that Selma got the nominations it did. I do hope it wins at least one of the categories. I'm just very disappointed it did not get the chance to receive even more recognition.

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